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A critical step in ensuring the success of a treatment program is the selection of the appropriate chemical reagent and application method. Depending on the reagent selected, a catalyst or activation package may be required for the reactions to take place.

Each chemical system has its’ own strengths and weaknesses, and various factors come into play when selecting the most appropriate oxidant or reductant. Depending on the reagent(s) selected, the incorporation of catalysts, activation methods, and/ or other additives may be required. Geo-Cleanse can perform bench-scale treatability studies to further examine the addition of particular components for a field-scale application. Geo-Cleanse maintains an updated library of references including reports, academic research, abstracts, and conference proceedings on a variety of ISCO and ISCR related topics to keep up-to-date on the chemical remediation industry.


  • Saturated or unsaturated environments
  • Wide range of contaminants and comingled plumes
  • Rapid destruction
  • Moderate costs
  • Onsite above ground structures not compromised
  • Coupling with other technologies
  • Destruction of NAPL


  • Shallow contamination from grade to approx. 5 feet below ground surface (unless soil mixing is an option)
  • Geology or hydrology limitations
  • Underground structures or utilities
  • Health and safety concerns
  • Consumption of oxidants by other materials

Overall, every chemical remedial application has typical strengths and weaknesses. However, each one outlined above may change depending on the product(s) utilized or the application method implemented. After carefully reviewing the site information, a site-specific treatment program is designed in order to obtain the remedial objectives.