On January 7, 2016, Dr. Dan Bryant of Geo-Cleanse International, Inc. provided a technical presentation during an internet-based online training seminar for the Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC). The ITRC in conjunction with the U.S. EPA’s Technology Innovation and Field Services Division develops and provides a variety of training courses annually to state and federal officials, consultants, the private sector and other members of the environmental industry. This state-led coalition consists of regulators, industry experts, academia, citizen stakeholders and federal partners. The training courses are free to attend, and provide technical and regulatory information relating to environmental technologies and innovative approaches within the industry.

Topics & Presenters:

Introduction & Remedial Objectives – Alex MacDonald, CA Regional Water Quality Control Board

 Conceptual Site Model (CSM) – Wilson Clayton, Trihydro Corporation

Remedial Technologies – Dr. Dan Bryant, Geo-Cleanse International, Inc.

Monitoring – Aaron Cohen, Florida DEP –

Remedy Evaluation – Tamzen Macbeth, CDM Smith

The topic of this training course was “Integrated DNAPL Site Strategy (IDSS).” Over 200 people registered for this seminar, which lasted over two hours. Dr. Bryant, a member of the ITRC team, provided a technical presentation on remediation technologies and assessing performance, coupling technologies, transitioning to other technologies, and relevant case studies. The other presentations included introduction to IDSS, remedial objectives, monitoring, conceptual site model, and remedy evaluation.

For a copy of this webinar, please click here.
For information or questions regarding this course, please contact Dan Bryant or Stephanie Turkot.